All webpages on the domain name www.freyamcleod.com comprise this website. This website is the website of Freya McLeod.

These terms govern access to and use of this website. Your access to and use of this website constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms and the privacy policy.

Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights (including but not limited to rights relating to copyright, trade mark, service mark, logo, design and patent) relating to this website; HTML, text and code underlying this website; and information on this website are vested in Freya McLeod except where those rights are vested in another person, body, corporation or other legal entity.


This website and domain name are protected by copyright held by Freya McLeod. No permission is given for reproduction or publication by any person save under special conditions granted in writing or as a result of approved linking.


All photos used on this website are protected by copyright held by Freya McLeod. No permission is given for reproduction or publication by any person save under special conditions granted in writing or as a result of approved linking.


All product names mentioned on this website are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Prohibited uses

You must not do any of the following without the prior written consent of Freya McLeod: accumulate, compile, disseminate, extract, process or reproduce in any form any webpages on this website or information on this website; use or reproduce any Freya McLeod trademark, logo or design on this website; use contact information specified on this website about a person, body, corporation or other legal entity to send unsolicited communications in any form to that person, body, corporation or other legal entity; use this website in any manner that hinders or prevents access to or use of this website by Freya McLeod or other users; use any type of device, process, routine or software which either systematically or non-systematically interferes or attempt to interfere with the functioning of this website or any transaction or process conducted on or through this website; incorporate into or store any information from this website on any other website, database, publication or other work in any form; use this website other than as specifically permitted by these terms; or use this website for any unlawful purpose or activity.


The content found herein may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors and Freya McLeod does not warrant the accuracy, reliability and completeness of any such information.


Freya McLeod reserves the right to revise or remove information from this website at any time.


This website contains cookies, which are text files that contain information and which are stored on your computer when you visit this website.

This website uses cookies for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to counting the number of visitors and analyzing traffic; and accessing and logging into functions to enhance ordering and checkout facilities.

You may change the settings in your web browser to disable the storage of cookies and to remove undesired cookies.

No warranty or representation

The information on this website may not be accurate or up to date in all instances. This does not warrant the quality, accuracy or completeness of any information on this website.

This website may contain links to third party websites. Freya McLeod does not make any representations regarding the contents of third party websites.

No legal advice

No information provided on this website is intended to constitute legal advice. Many factors unknown to Freya McLeod may affect the applicability of any information on this website. You should seek appropriate legal advice from a qualified legal practitioner about any legal issues.


Freya McLeod expressly disclaims any liability for or with respect to the contents of this website and the contents of any third party websites to which this website links.



All sales are final from the moment payment is taken. No goods will be shipped without payment. The final price of the order delivery costs (inclusive of GST where applicable) is always in AUD sterling. Our only method of payment is through Paypal. You will only be able to order products displayed online pending availability.


In the eventuality of dissatisfaction with your purchase, you will be able to return goods upon written confirmation from a member of the POSTURE STUDIO team. You will have 7 days from receipt of goods to be able to email us about returning the order . Please be aware that we cannot secure exchanges as the stock is produced in limited quantities. We therefor suggest to always enquire first, prior to committing to any decision. We won’t be able to accept any return if not emailed first. If sold goods present any kind of fault or they are not delivered, or have been delivered damaged, please forward photos via mail first

In the eventuality of defective merchandise, or order not delivered, or delivered damaged, or items missing from orders containing multiple items, clients must follow as below instructed:

Customers can contact me through www.freyamcleod.com/contact. Please make sure to include in the email the unique number of your order, name of the styles in question and reason for the return request. Freya McLeod reserves the right to request photographic support for returns regarding defective merchandise before authorising the return and the eventual charges for the shipment and import fees. Freya McLeod has the right to decline unauthorised returns and categorically won’t accept any items that have been worn, washed and have been subject of alterations of their original state at time of delivery. Freya McLeod has the right to fully inspect the returned merchandise in order to establish if an exchange is possible. Costs of delivery for returned goods to be shipped back to the same client issuing the return request will have to be covered by the client.

The returned merchandise must be in the same condition as it was sold and repacked in as close as possible to the way it was received.

Every return must be authorised beforehand and forwarded to our return address fully tracked. If agreed that the product is of defective nature, POSTURE STUDIO will be in charge of covering return shipping costs

Contact me at www.freyamcleod.com/contact for any questions and for the return address.