By visiting this website you accept the terms and conditions of this privacy policy, and by its acceptance, you agree to the stated use of your personally identifiable information.

Your privacy

This website is committed to providing you with the highest levels of service. This includes protecting your privacy.

Your personal information

Personal information held by this website may include your name, date of birth, current and previous addresses, telephone/mobile phone number, email address, bank account or credit card details, and occupation. Industry-standard document handling safeguards are taken, and digital information is held under password protection and is accessed only in the proper course of business. Once no longer required for the purpose it is obtained or under document retention regulations this information is destroyed. Care will be taken to protect all information submitted or held, however, technical limitations prevent us from being able to offer an absolute assurance in this regard.

How we collect personal information

This website collects personal information directly from you, when you provide information by phone or in application forms, or when you submit your personal details through this website (e.g. during checkout or contact form) If you choose to post information or leave feedback, we reserve the right to collect and store such information that may assist our service. If you are aged under 18 years, you should not submit personal information, and may only use this site with and under the supervision of your parents or guardians.

How we use your personal information

Your personal information may be used to: verify your identity; provide the supplies and services you require; administer and manage those services, including charging, and mailing; inform you of ways the supplies and services provided to you could be improved; gain an understanding of your material needs in order for this website to provide you with better service.